
ArtillumeTM’s platform is a place to promote new media artists and conversations around the same. It welcomes anyone willing to join us in this pursuit. A few ground rules for civility will keep things running smoothly.


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Data Collection

Information collected may include research content, recordings of events proposals submissions, images of artworks.Any information shared otherwise with advertisers will be on an aggregate basis only. While collecting Personal Data or Information directly from you, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of the following:

We respect your privacy rights, therefore, ArtillumeTM will observe the following guidelines when collating, collecting, receiving, possessing, using, processing,recording, storing, transferring, dealing, handling, and disclosing:

Purposes for Collection, Storage and/or Use of Personal Data or Information

Information collected may include personal details, research content, recordings of events, proposals, Images of Artworks, and information shared otherwise with advertisers will be on an aggregate basis only. The primary purposes for collection, storage and/or use of Personal Data or Information is for

Disclosures or Transfer of Your Personal Data or Information

If ArtillumeTM wishes or is required to disclose Personal Data or Information collected from You to any Third Party, We will ask for Your prior Consent except when such disclosure has been agreed in the contract between ArtillumeTM and you.

Data usage disclosure

ArtillumeTM holds the rights to utilise any of the content displayed, presented and shared during any of ArtillumeTM seminar, event or otherwise for educational & awareness and promotional purposes including, but not restricted to videography done during the event, photographs of the event, media kit of the artists, quotes from the material presented, artist portfolios duly crediting the artist/brand unless otherwise specified.