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IIIT, Delhi

At the first seminar at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, we brought the ideas and experiences of the best in design and new media art to students, to de-construct these spaces where art merges with science and tell them how they could be looking at not just their future design or tech careers being bent anew; but at a completely new way of being.

Throwing some more light on the concept, Mr. Hitesh Kumar, our founder said, “there is an explosion of artistic experimentation which is enabled through the technology, and people have responded positively to it. The contemporary art scene elsewhere in the world has leveraged on the technology to create incredible art and projection installations which are extremely immersive and interactive. There is a huge potential in India, but the ecosystem for such new media art is non-existant. Artillume plans on making the new media design technology accessible to a large number of artists and students to experiment and showcase their new media artworks.”

In this world, virtual reality, augmented reality, digital computing, robotics and animation combine with art, design and 3D animation to put back an emotional and evocative landscape we are all searching for. Students see how this is achieved, in small capsule sized doses, that is beginning to whet their appetites for more.