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Manager-New Projects, Splat Studio | Program Outreach Executive, Artillume | Manager-Museum Projects, Varaha Tech Labs

Born into a family of farmers and teachers, in a city where being successful was either being an engineer or a doctor, Harshit chose Civil Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering. But soon after he realized that this was not what he wanted.

With an affinity towards art, buildings, architecture, structures, technology, music, and problem-solving, he chose to join a New Media Design start-up that had an opening for a Business Development Executive. This gave him an opportunity to explore his passion for Art and Technology through business. And explore he did!

Turned from an introvert to someone who now loves talking to people, be it clients, vendors, colleagues, friends, or strangers. From identifying business opportunities to making sales pitches, budgeting, pursuing clients, getting project closures, explaining briefs to the team, and finally delivering projects, he found himself falling in love with his work.

This love for Art and technology gave him a chance to manage India's First Light Festival, and, bring in, conceptualise, plan and deploy various large-scale projects.